
Showing posts from November, 2021

Why Cargo Vans Are Better Than Pickup Trucks

Cargo vans are one of the fastest-growing, most lucrative vehicle segments in the United States. Over the past five years, sales of full-size vans increased eight times faster than the industry average.  So why choose a cargo van for your business instead of a pickup truck? Both offer excellent towing capacity and a large area to store tools and equipment. However, here are some reasons to opt for a cargo van.  Enclosed Storage One of the main benefits of a commercial cargo van is its enclosed cargo area. It keeps your equipment and product safe from severe weather. This is essential if you’re hauling materials that can be damaged by rain. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it offers greater security and theft protection. Since cargo vans generally don’t have windows, there’s no need to worry about prying eyes looking into your vehicle. Finally, an enclosed cargo area lets you carry the necessary tools into the job site, keeping the remainder of your equipment secured.  Customiza